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3 Reasons Divorce Can Be Harder for Stay-at-Home Parents in Texas

 Posted on April 25, 2024 in Divorce

Fort Worth, TX divorce lawyerFor most couples, divorce is a painful process. But the pain does not necessarily end when the judge issues the divorce decree. For some people, the hard part is just beginning. There is a whole new lifestyle to get used to, and not just because you are newly single.

If you plan on getting divorced, discuss your future with a qualified Texas divorce attorney. A lawyer who has many years of experience in divorce matters will be able to guide you through the transition and connect you with other relevant professionals.

This article will discuss three reasons divorce is harder for stay-at-home parents in Texas.


If you are a stay-at-home parent, you have likely been relying on your spouse’s financial support. In a divorce, that support will end. While you might be entitled to alimony, Texas law places a cap on the amount of support a divorced spouse can be ordered to pay. Your spouse will not have to pay you more than $5,000 a month or 20 percent of his or her gross monthly income, whichever is less.

Furthermore, a judge will only order alimony payments after looking at several factors, such as:

  • The current net income of each spouse

  • The present and future earning potential of each spouse

  • Any factors barring a spouse from employment

If a judge feels that you are capable of finding employment, he or she will order spousal support for a fixed amount of time. At some point, you may need to find a job, which is a major lifestyle change from staying at home.

Child Custody

During marriage, you did not have to worry about sharing your child with your co-parent. Now you will start to hear about things like “parenting time” and “parenting plans.” You will be required to submit a parenting plan to the court detailing how you will share custody of your child with his or her other parent. This will need to include details such as:

  • A schedule for parenting time, which is when the child is in a parent’s physical care

  • Transportation arrangements for shuttling the child between parents

  • How decision-making responsibilities will be divided between the parents

If you have joint custody with your co-parent, you are not likely to be a full-time stay-at-home parent anymore. This may allow you some alone time but it could take getting used to.

Living Arrangements

In a divorce, you may or may not be granted access to the home you have been living in. If you are not, you will need to find new living arrangements. If you are, you will still need to get used to your new living situation. There will be fewer people in the house with whom to share things like house chores and you may now need to be making monthly mortgage or rent payments on your own.

Contact a Fort Worth, Texas Divorce Attorney

Divorce is a major life transition to which spouses and children need to adjust. A skilled Fort Worth, Texas divorce lawyer will make this transition easier for you and your child with compassionate and professional guidance. J. Kevin Clark is an experienced divorce attorney who also has first-hand experience in divorces involving stay-at-home parents. Call The Law Office of J. Kevin Clark P.C. at 817-348-6723 for a free consultation today.

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